Automated Purchased Order (APO)

What is APO?
Back in time, system users must check their stock balance level, in manual way,which is time consumption.Then, they must perform stock replenishment and decide the required amount to be ordered from supplier.
- it performs a schedule filtration on the current stock balance level.
- APO process will perform stock replenishment by creating the Purchase Order (PO) / Purchase Order Requisition (POR).

Types of APO process
Reorder by Stock Alert Level Setting
If you are new user to Dynamod, you are suitable to use Stock replenishment based on Min-Max Quantity.Reason: there is no sales data.
Reorder by Stock Sales Forecast
If you are current user that were using Dynamod for atleast 3 month, you are suitable to use Stock Replenishment based on Average Sales Quantity.
Reorder by Stock Alert Level Setting
Min-Max Quantity Based
- The process initialized at outlet level, it filters the stocks that required to be reordered
- Otherwise, the stock will be ignored if it is sufficient.
- The filtration process in warehouse is same as outlets.
- However, the minimum quantity should be the buffer quantity to be reserved in HQ after supplies to Outlets.

Reorder by Stock Sales Forecast

Average Sales Quantity
- The process initialized at outlet level, it first calculates the ASQ per period that defined (period can be optimized).
- Then, a buffer stock balance is calculated by product of ASQ with number of days that user would like ti have in store.
- If the current stock balance unable to supply the demand of buffer stock balance, it will be triggered into reorder process.
- Otherwise, the stock will be ignored if it is sufficient.
- The filtration process in warehouse is same as outlets.
- Howerver, the minimum quantity should be the buffer quantity to be reserved in HQ after supplies to outlets.
Documentation Outlet
Create into purchase order requisition
Documentation HQ / Warehouse
Create into purchase order
- List of stocks that required to be reordered, will create into Purchase Order Requisition (POR).
- Warehouse/HQ shall check on the outlets POR, Which is the list of stocks required to supply to the outlets with stated quantity.
– it will create the PO by summing up both HQ and outlets required quantity.
– APO process able to create separate PO based on Supplier who supplies the stock.
– Notice that if supplier who supplies the stock is not configured, HQ reorder process will only create into POR.
– a bot-generated email will notify user regards the purchase order has been created in Dynamod.